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SMD drip irrigation tape


Patch drip irrigation tape is a plastic hose (drip pipe) that uses a hole or drip head on a capillary with a diameter of approximately 16mm to deliver water to the roots of crops for local irrigation. It is achieved by using a drip head or drip belt with a very small outlet to evenly and slowly drip water into the soil near the roots of crops.

Product function:

It is an effective water-saving irrigation method in arid and water scarce areas, with a water utilization rate of up to 95%. Drip irrigation has a higher water-saving and yield increasing effect than sprinkler irrigation, and can be combined with fertilization to increase fertilizer efficiency by more than twice. It can be applied to fruit trees, vegetables, economic crops, and greenhouse irrigation, and can also be used for field crop irrigation in dry and water scarce areas. The disadvantage is that the drip head is prone to scaling and blockage, so strict filtration treatment should be carried out on the water source. Domestic equipment has basically passed the standards, and regions with conditions should actively develop drip irrigation.

Product features:

1. Inlaid flat drip irrigation belt is an integrated drip irrigation belt that embeds flat shaped drip heads on the inner wall of the pipe, and is widely used for irrigation of greenhouse and field economic crops.

2. The drip head and tube strip are integrated, easy to install and use, with low cost and low investment.

3. The drip head has a self filtering window and good anti clogging performance.

4. Adopting a labyrinth flow channel, it has a certain pressure compensation effect.

5. The spacing between drip heads can be determined according to user requirements.

Performance parameters:

1. Pipe diameter: ¥ 12mm, 16mm, 20mm

2. Wall thickness: 0.2-0.6mm

3. Working pressure: 0.02-0.5MPa

4. Flow rate: 2-3 l/h

SMD drip irrigation tape
SMD drip irrigation tape 2022-5-17 This article is read 69 times
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LiJian water-saving

Shandong Lijian Water-Saving Irrigation Technology Co., Ltd.

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